The Traders Mind Set program
The recordings are designed to give you the conscious understanding of the mind. They teach techniques to reduce negative or over confident emotions in trading and other areas of your life, and also install a successful state of mind through suggestions to the subconscious. It is hoped that this brings benefits to many areas of your life, not just your trading.
The market information is neither positive or negative, it is offering nothing more than information, and endless opportunities for making money. Attitude is more important than information. We need to have the attitude of allowing the market to unfold, not trying to get anything out of the market or avoiding anything, just making yourself available to take advantage of an opportunity, with no limitations or expectations. Perfectly satisfied to let the market do what it is going to do. Any degree of struggle will take you out of the flow and diminish your results. We might have an overall expectation of success based in the probability of our edge, but this shouldn’t apply to individual trades. We have no idea what an individual trade will do. To get to this frame of mind we need to embrace the responsibility and the risk. Responsibility is just the ability to see opportunity and respond without hesitation using your edge. The risk is the stop loss, what you are willing to lose to see if the trade will work. When we accept responsibility and risk you wont perceive anything in the market as threatening. You will trade without fear, without hesitation and recklessness. If there is no fear there is no need for courage and you are not struggling between the two, and you have a carefree state of mind when trading.
The market doesn’t generate happy or painful information, just and endless stream of opportunities. If it is a happy or a painful experience we are feeling, we are creating this in the mind by our focus and self-talk. You need to develop the mind set of probabilities. Traders who think in probabilities are confident of their overall success.
We need to be rigid in our rules to develop confidence and self trust. Yet we need to be flexible in our expectations to perceive with greatest clarity and objectivity what the market is communicating.
The laws of probabilities states
- Anything can happen
- You don’t need to know what is going to happen next to make money
- There is a random distribution of wins and losses for any given set of variables that define an edge
- An edge is a higher probability of one thing happening over another.
- Every moment in the market is unique
When you have a carefree state of mind that fully accepts these laws of probability you will open your mind to all the opportunities presenting in the market and be in the flow, the zone, the past wont impinge on the present. You will have a confident state of mind, without fear, hesitation of compulsion to do anything. You will have accepted the risk completely, and know that every losing trade brings you closer to a win. You know the odds are in your favor, you know how much it will cost to find out if the trade will work, you don’t need to know what is going to happen next because anything can happen. When you embrace the responsibility and risk, and stop avoiding it, you are developing the mind-set of a successful trader and therefore the attitude of a consistent winner.
- You objectively identify the edges
- You predefine the risk of every trade
- You completely accept the risk or you are willing to let go of the trade
- You act on your edges without reservation or hesitation
- You pay yourself as the market makes money available to you
- You continually monitor your susceptibility for making errors
- You understand the absolute necessity of these principles of consistent success and, therefore never violate them.
Using the recordings in the set will give you another edge, a psychological edge. The set is designed to give conscious understanding of the psychological barriers to successful trading, to offer techniques and information that can benefit your lives in many area’s, not just your trading, to recondition the mind, and deactivate negative beliefs through suggestions to the subconscious mind, and to help you get into the zone when trading.
It takes 4-6 weeks to change the habit patterns of the mind. Each day listen to at least one recording. Releasing Negative Emotions or TRADING IN THE ZONE. To listen to these Recordings you must find time where it is quiet and you can relax. They are not to be listened to in a car or when using machinery. Alternate each day between the two, or listen to both each day.
The MIND SET recording is designed to use when you set up for trading for the day, to get your mind focused in the moment. If you feel any fear or frustration, use the Releasing Negative Emotion technique to let it go. This is a technique that can be used in all situations so learn the technique and use it whenever something is bothering you, eventually it will happen naturally and without a conscious thought.
We also offer the following Traders Mind Set CD Program:
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