Sport Performance
Once you have done the physical training to develop skills and fitness in sport, then it all comes down to mindset. Why to some people have the same skills and fitness as others but when it comes down playing the game or running the race, only some excel. It is all to do with mindset and a good mindset breeds confidence. You won’t get many professional athletes who don’t have access to a sport psychotherapist. In professional sports it has been well understood for a number of years how important it is to have the right mindset if you want to perform at your best.
The wrong mindset can strip you of your confidence at any time. It takes around 4 to 6 weeks to develop the habit of creating the right mind set. It doesn’t matter what sport, football, basketball, golf, athletics, swimming and the list goes on. Anyone wanting to be at the top of their game needs some psychological training to let go of negative emotions and develop the habit of focused concentration.
We usually suggest 6 weekly sessions and a set of 4 CD’s to listen to one each day. There are also a set of car CD’s to listen to each day between sessions. If you want to lift your game to the next level call now on 9792 2242
Please find some more information on Sport Psychology and Hypnosis in one of our Blog Article Sports Psychology
We also offer the following Sports Performance CD Program:
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