Weight Loss Through Hypnosis
Our Gaining Slimness Program for weight loss.
It usually takes 4 to 6 sessions and a set of hypnosis Cd’s to change the habit patterns of the mind and get you thinking like a healthy slim person. Hypnosis and weight loss make an ideal combination compared to the never ending cycle of dieting. You can attain permanent weight loss by hypnosis.
You listen to one 20 minute weight loss hypnosis CD per day and have a session a week. if there are issues in your life, past or present, we resolve these during the sessions.
If everything is on track and you have lost 4+ kg in the first four weeks, that’s all you would need. The Cd’s will continue to take you from there. This is additional self hypnosis for weight loss and supplements the program.
First session we cover how the mind works and how to improve relationships and reduce stress, build self esteem and more. The sessions takes 1 hour and finishes with a hypnotherapy weight loss session. I also supply a second set of Cd’s that can be played in a car free of charge, these Cd’s help you understand your mind and yourself more.
Self hypnosis weight loss coupled with individual sessions is the ideal way to weight loss through hypnosis.
Virtual gastric banding is just one of the methods we can employ for weight loss through hypnosis.
We have a hypnotherapy clinic in Dandenong, and are within easy reach of most Melbourne suburb’s hypnosis, and counselling for a range of issues.
We also offer the following Gaining Slimness CD Program:
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