Hypnosis to Quit Smoking Program
Quit smoking now and save thousands each year. Getting wealthier as you get healthier.
The average smoker spends over $4,000 a year while stripping themselves of their health, don’t be a slave to the tobacco industry’s greed. Call 9792 2242 NOW to quit.
From our Hypnotherapy clinic in Dandenong, just a short journey from most Melbourne suburbs, we provide specialist Hypnosis, hypnotherapy and counselling to Quit smoking hypnosis or Stop smoking hypnosis works.
Smoking Addiction is not nicotine based, the craving comes from the mind, the habit of wanting. This is why a smoker taking a trip overseas is chain smoking outside the airport before they leave. They want to smoke for the next eight hours but cant, and this want creates the craving that is not being satisfied by the cigarettes that they are smoking now. Its all in the mind and we will prove it to you.
Once you understand, quitting is easy and this is why we spend time showing you how the mind works and what is creating the craving.
We use a program of two individual sessions for hypnosis to stop smoking one week apart, and a set of 2 CD’s to be listened to between sessions, we have found this to be the most cost effective for long term cessation. Although most people stop after the first session, surveys in America have shown that only 25% of people remain a non smoker after a 12 months period. Six to eight sessions bring this success rate to 85% remaining a non smoker. We use the CD’s as part of the program to get the number of sessions up in a cheap but effective way.
We also teach how the mind works, how to reduce stress and how to improve relationships during the sessions prior to hypnosis.
When you consider the average one pack per day smoker is spending around $4,000 per year to kill themselves, the investment in quitting is small.
Book to quit smoking through hypnosis and hypnotherapy today. Call 9792 2242 for appointment and help to stop smoking now.
We also offer the following Quit Smoking CD Program
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Please Check The Demo Below
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