Fear of Flying
Phobias are based in anxiety – A fear of something.
Here is a list of some of the common phobias that people come to see us for.
- Aerophobia: Fear of Flying.
- Claustrophobia: Fear oFf Lifts, closed in or small places.
- Arachnophobia: Fear of Spiders.
- Trypanophobia: Fear of Needles or medical procedures requiring needles.
- Erythrophobia: Fear of Blushing:
- Acrophobia: Fear of heights.
- Agoraphobia: Fear of leaving a safe place, fear of open spaces or crowded places.
Phobias are many and varied creating fear when the person is not actually in danger. This is not an appropriate response and is actually causing harm. It is an irrational and illogical response an over exaggerated fear and resides in the subconscious. The subconscious mind is not a rational or logical mind. The phobia was usually planted in the subconscious mind to prevent us getting into difficult or dangerous situations. It is usually the result of a traumatic situation in the past creating a belief that the fear will protect us. The subconscious believes it is doing the right thing to protect us. People can have a phobia for just about anything and most phobias can be treated successfully using hypnosis and counselling.