Stress Relief and Management
There are many stresses coming from our environment both physical stress and emotional stress. This stress will in turn result in physiological stress. It changes body chemistry. We can change the physical stress by quitting smoking or a healthier diet. But what about the emotional stress.
Under stress the body changes chemistry at a cellular level. It goes into the flight or fight response. Our digestive system and immune system are supressed as our body’s energy is diverted to respond the perceived threat. This affects the health of the body when the stress is long term because this system was designed by evolution to respond to short term threats such as running away or fighting a predator.
Emotional stress comes from the way we perceive what is happening around us. The trivialities of day to day existence can become our biggest stressors. A problem relationship, financial problems or not getting what you want in life. Learning how to let go of stress is the single most beneficial gift you can give yourself. Stress can lead to anger, apathy, anxiety , frustration and often depression but it doesn’t fix the problem, it just creates more.
Stress is an habitual subconscious response that can be changed. When you change your mind you not only change your life, you also change your body’s chemistry. It is easier to change than you think and in a short period of time. If you are stressing about taking action on this your subconscious is telling you it’s time to make a change.