Anger Management Counselling and Hypnosis
Anger is a learned habitual state. Once developed, small frustrations can build into raging anger.
Our Anger Management program teaches you the cause of anger and gives the tools and techniques to overcome this.
The basis of this program is our releasing negative emotions technique. The program will improve many areas of your life.
We look at the causes of problems in relationships and how to change the way you communicate with those you love.
It usually takes around four to six weeks to bring about these beneficial changes and they are permanent.
We use CD’s with the program to give a cheap and effective mini session each day to resolve the issues in the shortest possible time.
Improvements will be seen over the first few weeks and progressively getting better.
We also supply of CD’s that can be listened to in a car each day free of charge.
The CD’s and the weekly sessions bring about changes in all areas of your life.
Why be angry when you can be happy.
We also offer the following Anger Management CD Program:
Please Check The Demo Below
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