Archive for 'News and Articles'



You are relaxed now, and because you are so relaxed you begin to feel free from all tension, anxiety, and fear. You now realize that you are more confident and sure of yourself because you have taken the enormous first step to helping yourself.

You begin to feel this strength from within, motivating you to overcome any and every obstacle that may stand in the way of your happiness, social life and home life. You will find that from this moment ...

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Secret Of Study Habits

Secret Of Study Habits

Now let us get deeply relaxed. Place yourself in a comfortable position in your chair, at your desk or table, with a book in front of you. Put your left hand on your left leg and your right hand in a position of shielding your eyes from the sun (or light) or in some other comfortable position. Now that you are comfortable in your chair and have put aside all distractions and all possible interruption, let your eyes close and ...

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Reading Faster

Reading Faster

See yourself sitting at your desk or in your favorite chair reading. You are reading at a very comfortable speed and retaining everything you read.

I now want you to notice that you are reading at twice the speed that you normally do. You have not sacrificed any comprehension or retention. In fact, your comprehension and retention have also improved

Your eyes have the capability to see much more than you now allow them to see. You can now accept the rapid ...

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Now that you’re deeply and fully relaxed – Feeling comfortable, safe and secure – I want you to visualize yourself as if you are watching yourself on a picture screen. Can you see yourself? … Good. Very good. Now, this picture screen in very unique because it not only is able to go forward and reverse in time – but it two other special features. The first feature is the “Fading” mechanism. For each and every time you view certain ...

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Rainbow Garden

Rainbow Garden

In this exercise you will practice deep self communication. You will use relaxation and imagery to stimulate your imagination. By increasing your self awareness, you will heal, balance, and center yourself. Sit or lie comfortably. Take three deep breaths and relax.

Use the power of your mind to stimulate your imagination and increase your self awareness. You will travel through the Rainbow Garden awakening many levels of human experience and come to know yourself in completeness.

So now, begin to visualize yourself ...

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Public Speaking

Public Speaking

You realize that you are a constantly maturing and growing personality.

You are becoming aware of the strength and abilities that are within you.

You are sensing a feeling of confidence in your abilities to achieve the goals you have chosen for yourself.

You are learning to believe in yourself, you appreciate yourself and you do good and kind things for yourself.

You meet each situation as it comes with calm and quite assurance.

You are making contact with the center ...

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Protective Shield

Protective Shield

And drifting way down relaxed now … and just allowing your entire body to rest and relax … and as you go even deeper all distractions just seem to disappear …

I want you to concentrate on your breathing … breathing in pure relaxation and exhaling all the tension in the body … feel all of the tension leaving the chest area as you exhale … feel yourself relaxing even deeper with each and every breath … and your breathing is ...

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Prosperity II

Prosperity II

The secret of success is in the sequence, for each step sets the stage in consciousness for the one that follows.

You tune into the presence within and take on the spiritual vibration. You choose that which is your heart desires, knowing that the reason you have this desire is because the presence is wanting it through YOU. So you are choosing that which your higher self has already chosen for you. Then you expect the gift. The things you expect, ...

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Tragic to Magic

Tragic to Magic

Anthony Gilmour is an author and psychotherapist who specialises in anxiety and panic attacks. In his book, Tragic to Magic, Tony never wavers from the point that our ultimate goal is happiness. The lessons in his book are very simple easy to understand. They come from his studies ...

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Prosperity I

Prosperity I

Begin programming your computer now. Negative thoughts or negative suggestions have no influence over you at any level of your mind. You reject all thoughts and suggestions detrimental to your health, wealth, and happiness. The inner kingdom of your mind is universal. Your thoughts are success power reactors. Your brain waves are tuned to natural success frequencies. You are highly receptive to conditions and circumstances beneficial to your health, wealth and happiness.

It is your natural right to be rich. You ...

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