Archive for 'Testing'

Spinning Hands

Spinning Hands

This time I’m going behind you to raise your hands … and start moving them around each other. (Start spinning their hands around each other) Now, as I release your hands, continue the motion of your own accord. (Release their hands)

Moving, spinning, turning.

Moving, spinning, turning. Even faster now.

Moving, spinning, turning. That’s good.

As your hands are turning, I want you to think about your heart. Your heart beats automatically in response to the needs of your body. In the same way, ...

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Eye Catalepsy

Eye Catalepsy

(Optionally, place your right thumb on the bridge of the subjects nose and apply slight pressure) I’m going to count from five down to one. As I do, you’re eyelids lock so tightly closed that the more you try to open them, the tighter they’re locking closed.

Five, your eyes are pressing down tightly.

Four, pressing down and sealing shut.

Three, sealing as if they were glued.

Two, they’re locked shut. The more you try to open them, the tighter they’re locking closed.

Okay, try ...

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