Archive for 'Hypnosis Scripts'

Rapid Method (for Children)

Rapid Method (for Children)


Most children will enter hypnosis very quickly and easily; while an eye closure technique is suitable for most children, some smaller children will object to it. It is always wise to enquire from the child whether it will be O. K. for him to close his eyes.


Do you like to pretend games, (CHILD’S NAME)? I would like you to pretend something for me, will you? Good. All right, now close your eyes please and while ...

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Rapid Method

Rapid Method


Begin by having the subject hold their arms stretched out directly in front of them, so that the palms of the hands are facing each other. Have the hands about 6 inches apart.


You may now lower your hands back to your side. In just a moment I am going to have you bring your hands back to this position, and you will find it very easy to go into a deep pleasant level of hypnosis ...

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Non Verbal Method II

Non Verbal Method II


A non verbal induction may be accomplished with any individual that is ready to experience hypnosis. One of the keys to the induction of hypnosis is correct use of pre-hypnotic suggestions. The following is an example of pre-induction suggestions.

Hypnotist:  Would you like to experience hypnosis?

Subject:    Yes

Hypnotist:  I would like you to simply allow things to take place. Do not try to make anything happen, but do not try to stop things from taking place. Is this agreeable to ...

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Non Verbal Method I

Non Verbal Method I

The subject is seated in a chair and instructed to hold both arms out in front of him and upward so that the hands are above eye level. They should be parallel, the hands being about two feet apart. The hypnotist now moves back and forth in front of the subject from one side to the other, making a small postural change in the subject’s right arm first, then over to the other side to make a similar charge in ...

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Mountain Trip Method

Mountain Trip Method

Before you go into a hypnotic state, be sure that you have your clothes loosened in any areas where they may be tight, and then get yourself into a very comfortable position, close your eyes and begin inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly …

Continue inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly about five or six times … each time you exhale your whole body keeps relaxing more, you continue feeling more calm, more peaceful and more at ease …

As you continue relaxing, I ...

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Misdirection Method

Misdirection Method


This technique is used when the subject is too tense or subconsciously doesn’t wish to be hypnotized. The idea is to get the subject to take his/her mind off of hypnosis all together and then perform a rapid induction. The misdirection stems from fact that it is physically impossible to open one’s eyes when the eyeballs are rolled back in the head.

To sell this technique you may choose to describe this testing as a requirement for a relaxation exercise that ...

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Make Believe Friend Method (For Children Ages 5 to 10)

Make Believe Friend Method (For Children Ages 5 to 10)


This induction is best used when performing therapy. The use of an all knowing and understanding friend is very helpful in getting a child to discuss their problems. (Have the child close his or her eyes and pretend they are visiting with a new friend. Maybe their friend is a cuddly puppy or kitten, or it may be a little rabbit that likes to be cuddled)


Now just keep your eyes closed and pretend that ...

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Magic Television Method (For Children 5 to 10)

Magic Television Method (For Children 5 to 10)


You don’t really need any introductory preparation for using this induction with a child. Simply have the child get in a comfortable position and close his eyes and listen to the suggestions you tell him.


Just keep your eyes closed now until I tell you to open them. And I want you to tell me about your favorite TV program. As you are continuing to feel more calm and relaxed, I want you to tell me ...

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Magic Shape Method (For Children Ages 5 to 10)

Magic Shape Method (For Children Ages 5 to 10)


I want you to listen closely to what I’m saying to you now without moving your head. Just lean back in the chair and get real comfortable, and then I want you to look up toward the ceiling, and look for a tiny spot. That spot will have special meaning to you. It will help relax you, and you may notice as you watch that spot it may begin to change its shape. Tell me when you ...

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Instantaneous Method

Instantaneous Method

Stand facing me. That’s right. Now step forward. (Place right hand on subjects head, supporting the base of the skull. Grasp subjects right arm at elbow with left hand)

Bring your feet closer together. Closer. That’s right. Breathe in deeply. (With a sudden forward pulling movement of the hands, lightly jerk the subject towards you) SLEEP NOW.

(If the subject’s legs begin to buckle) Just as a horse can stand and sleep without losing its balance, so too your legs are strong ...

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