Archive for 'Hypnosis Scripts'

Mentally Creative

Mentally Creative

I am in the process of creating a new individual. No matter what my age, no matter what my talents I can create the exact person I want to become.

If I want to become more successful, I will mentally create a more successful person. If I want to become more calm, more relaxed, I will mentally create a relaxed person. I will write down all the characteristics I want to develop such as self confidence, good self image, ambition, active ...

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Go deeper and deeper to sleep. Deeper and deeper to sleep. You know that your whole gastro-intestinal system is simply a muscular tube which is coiled round and round inside your body. Various parts of this tube have various purposes, just like the specialized departments in a factory. The mouth is the receiving department where goods are accepted and unpacked. The throat and esophagus are the conveyer system. The stomach is a processing room in which the materials are prepared ...

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You are feeling absolutely great about yourself. You opinion is as good as anyone else’s. Love is what you are, not what you do or what you have. You have total confidence in yourself. NOW!

You have something value to contribute. You are totally positive; negativity is a part of your past. It is easy for you to sustain positive thoughts and emotions. When you sleep, you have a lot of R.E.M. and good dreams. Each morning you wake up in ...

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You can very easily control you heart beat and the rate with which you blood flows through your veins.

Visualize your blood flowing unrestricted to all parts of your body.

Visualize the healing light starting at the top of your head. It is now moving down through your entire body clearing all veins and arteries of any restrictions or constrictions.

As the healing light moves down, it is setting up rapid and instantaneous healing throughout your entire body. Allow the healing light to ...

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Childbirth – Time Distortion

Childbirth – Time Distortion

See yourself completely relaxed. You are at the hospital (home, etc.) ready to have your baby. Your contractions are strong and beautiful.

Tension and fear breed pain and you no longer feel any tension, anxiety or fear therefore you do not experience any pain with childbirth.

Childbirth is natural and easy. Any special and unique experiences that you may have during the birth of your child will not distress you in any way. (See PROTECTIVE SHIELD Script) Your shield of ...

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Childbirth Disassociation

Childbirth Disassociation

See yourself completely relaxed, breathing easily. You are about to give birth to your child.

You feel no pain what-so-ever because the pain in childbirth comes from fear, tension and anxiety. You do not now nor will you ever experience any fear, tension or anxiety about childbirth, therefore you will not experience any pain during, before or after the birth of your child.

As the baby enters the birth canal you enter a beautiful state of consciousness completely disassociated with the pain ...

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Bust Development

Bust Development

As a child your breast tissues and glands were not developed. During puberty your breast tissues started to develop. Your breast tissues stopped developing before they reached the size that you desire.

Recreate the situation and circumstances just before your breasts stopped developing. Now stimulate the hormones in your body to develop the breast tissue.

Visualize yourself how you want your breasts to look in your clothes.

Now increase the blood flow to your bust area, stimulating your breast tissue to develop into ...

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Bruxism – Grinding Teeth

Bruxism – Grinding Teeth

Feeling good about yourself now, release all feelings of guilt or aggression.

Things don’t bother you like they did in the past. Things that used to upset you or make you nervous, hurt your feelings, embarrass your, or make you angry no longer have such a profound effect on you. You can now see them more clearly for what they are and not allow them to upset you.

Anytime you clench or grind your teeth you become aware on a conscious or ...

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Body Temperature Control

Body Temperature Control

Your body is constantly in the process of cooling. The rate at which your body cools determines how comfortable you are. Most of your body heat escapes from the top or crown of your head. You may now control the amount of heat that escapes from your head.


Visualize a cover or pyramid over the top of your head that reflects the heat back into your body. If you are becoming cold, allow this pyramid to capture your body heat. ...

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You are no longer subject to blushing. Anytime you feel the heat rising and the color flushing, you now have control. You are in control: the blushing does not control you.

Immediately when you feel the blush start, you take a deep breath and it never materializes.

Picture yourself in a past experience when you would have blushed. Notice that you are no longer reacting in the same manner. You no longer are a victim of the blushing. You have control.

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