
Alcohol Session II

Alcohol Session II

As you go deeper and deeper relaxed all of the sounds fade away in the distance and you pay attention only to the sound of my voice. As you listen carefully to the sound of my voice, we are going to remove a number of suggestions which have been in your mind. We are going to remove them completely and as you listen carefully to them we’re simply going to dissolve them … throw them out of your mind completely ...

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Alcohol Session I

Alcohol Session I

Now as you sink deeper and deeper relaxed … deeper and deeper and deeper, all the sounds fade away in the distance and you pay attention only to the sound of my voice. Going deeper and deeper and deeper … There are five steps in the elimination of any alcoholic problem… The first step is relaxation.

You must obviously be relaxed so that the adequate communication can take place between yourself and the hypnotherapist … Therefore, if for any reason ...

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You are relaxed now, and because you are so relaxed you begin to feel free from all tensions, anxiety and fear. You now realize that you are more confident and sure of yourself because you have taken the enormous first step toward helping yourself.

You begin to feel this strength from within, motivating you to overcome any and every obstacle that may stand in the way of your happiness, social life and home life.

You will find that from this moment on ...

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Aids Session II

Aids Session II

As you sink deeper and deeper into relaxation, you are feeling calm and at peace with yourself. During your last visit I talked about your ability to fight off and eliminate tensions and how this can be accomplished. As you remember, tension and anxieties bring about a breakdown in your immune system and how this can lead to disease and illness. Today you are going to learn, effectively and permanently how you can rid yourself of the disease that has ...

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Aids Session I

Aids Session I

Now, as you sink deeper and deeper, completely relaxed, I’m going to talk about tension, anxiety and fear. How unnecessary these feelings are and how you, YOURSELF, are going to eliminate them. When we come down with a cold, the general emotion we feel is inconvenience. Inconvenience, because you miss work, have little or no energy to accomplish daily tasks, and in general – this cold just throws a wrench into our life. The same holds true for anxiety, tension ...

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Trance : Termination

Trance : Termination


(Based on the type of session, you may care to skip this paragraph) Each time that you use this method for easy relaxation, you relax more easily, more quickly, and more deeply. Relaxation is a skill that you are easily developing with trance.

Now, I’m going to count from one to five, and then I’ll say, “Fully aware.” At the count of five, your eyes are open, and you are then fully aware, feeling calm, rested, refreshed, relaxed.

All ...

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Signs of Trance

Signs of Trance


There are several outward signs of trance that can be observed in all subjects. These signs can not be simulated by the subject. The subject will exhibit at least one, and in many cases, multiple signs.


Many subjects note a distinct change in body temperature. Many subjects feel cold, and others feel warm. This is attributed to the lower pulse rate and extreme relaxation of the subject.


Virtually all subjects in trance exhibit ...

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Trance: Reinduction

Trance: Reinduction


I am going to give you a signal so you can enter into hypnosis more easily.

I am going to count from one to three. At the count of three, you will open your eyes, remaining deeply relaxed. When I say “Sleep now” and snap my fingers, that will be the signal for your eyelids to close down and you will go deeper into hypnosis.

All right. One. Two. Three. Open your eyes. (Snap finger)

Sleep Now! Close them ...

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Creating Mental Nothingness / Amnesia

Creating Mental Nothingness / Amnesia


This technique can be used for both mind clearing or amnesia. The “Room of Nothingness” can become the “Room of Forgetfulness.” The suggestion is given that any suggestions given in the “Room of Forgetfulness” will not be remembered by the conscious mind, but the subject will act upon them none the less. The suggestion is also given that the more the subject tries to remember the suggestions, the suggestions will be forgotten.


I want you now ...

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Spinning Hands

Spinning Hands

This time I’m going behind you to raise your hands … and start moving them around each other. (Start spinning their hands around each other) Now, as I release your hands, continue the motion of your own accord. (Release their hands)

Moving, spinning, turning.

Moving, spinning, turning. Even faster now.

Moving, spinning, turning. That’s good.

As your hands are turning, I want you to think about your heart. Your heart beats automatically in response to the needs of your body. In the same way, ...

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