Food Addictions
Food Addictions can take many forms, chocolate and lolly are just a few.
Many people are addicted to junk food or fried food. All addictions come from cravings.
All cravings are created in the mind and the mind is the place we need to start to change this. We can do this through hypnosis, hypnotherapy and counselling over a short period of time.
Change your mind and change your life.
We have a simple and effective program to change the mind and drop the food addiction.
Often weight gain is a problem for people who have an a addiction to certain types of food. Weight loss hypnosis can also be included into the program at the same time.
Some foods are treats, not food groups. Chocolate is a treat not a food group. Our program works towards you seeing some foods as treats and using them as treats.
There is nothing wrong with having a small piece of chocolate as a treat. If you deny yourself altogether you will crave it more. We don’t work to take it out of your life. Just to turn it back to what it is, a treat.
You will be pleasantly surprised by the results.
We also offer the following Gaining Slimness CD Program:
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