Gilmour Art Melbourne

Relationship counselling

Most relationships break down through a lack of compromise and poor communication. This can be easily resolved. Understanding our different personalities and the habits of communication is the basis of good relationship counselling.

Most people don’t realize that there are habits of communication that connect and empower each other. There are also habits of communication that disconnect and dis empower each other. Most couples argue and fight using the disconnecting habits of communication. This just serves to disintegrate the relationship. We wouldn’t use these disconnecting habits on our best friends and that is why they are our best friends. If we used them on friends they wouldn’t be friends for long. We do tend to use them on the people close to us. Parents use them on children and partners use them on each other.

Disconnecting habits of communication are a knife that cut both ways. They hurt the person using them as well as the person they are being used on. We teach couples how to drop the disconnecting habits and only use connecting habits. This simple understanding will resolve most issues and you will also get an understanding of why your partner behaves in the way they do.

Every relationship in a person’s life will be enhanced through this understanding. From this simple understanding, we can then look at the issues at hand and resolve them. We see our role as not to take sides but to help resolve issues and build a better relationship.

This type of counselling is beneficial to couples just starting out and before getting married. It also helps parents understand how the way they communicate with their children can have a positive of negative impact on their self-esteem.

Call 03 9792 2242 for appointment or visit our Contact Page for more information on relationship counselling.

We also offer the following Relationships Help Program:


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Price: $15